How To Write An Article my PROCESS

4 min readOct 8, 2020

There is no such thing as a writer's block, it only exists in the minds of those who do not write on a daily basis ………

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I am not much of a person who knows it all nor am I the writer of the century but when it comes to writing daily even if the day is dreadful as hell, I just have this never yielding ability to bring myself to the table and start writing even if I don't know what to write about and I think that is what will get anyone to the heights that they dream of, after all, If you are undisciplined you are a slave to your moods and appetites.

But Miss daily writer, where do you get all of these ideas to write about?

Well, I am glad that you have asked that question and I will break it down for you hoping that maybe it is easy for you to understand:

Every article almost takes me three days to write, I like to think of it as cooking a dish, first, you figure out what kind of food you will cook then you pick up and collect all the ingredients that will go in there, then finally you add the toppings.

On the first day, I am the Lost soul: it is the day where I don't know what to write about where I start serving the internet like a crazy old lady who is looking for a son she never even had and I start taking notes, it is the day my mind is buzzing with millions of questions like am I really gonna find it, am I gonna finish it before time, this just a peek of what goes in there.

and which sites do I frequent that day are and may I remind you this is just my personal list and the places that I like to go in for inspiration.

Pinterest: the amount of stuff on Pinterest is incredible it never disappoints me, I love it there, I am probably the person who will spend hours in the different mood boards in there.

Medium and quora: I love the design in here and also I love how you can see millions of different articles, If you are a content writer and you don't know this two places then you missing a lot,

Books: from time to time when all is lost you find yourself reading a book and ohhh, while you doing it you experience that thing they call aha moments in life and it sparks an idea in you,

YouTube and IGTV: it depends on the people you follow here, so try your best to follow those who add to you not the opposite.

Day 2, I found the recipe now I collect the ingredients: I collect all the stuff that I noted the first day, I decide on one of them and so I research on that topic, go to every corner that I could go into, take all the notes I can and I start writing it.

Day 3, the topping day: it is the day after the storm has passed, I love this day, it is the day I harvest the two days before it, it goes like this ‘I review the article U wrote the previous day, add the toppings that it needs like the photos, the title of the article, make it grammatically correct and add all the little nitty tiny details it needs and then after that I hit the publish button’

oh, I am finally able to understand your process of writing Miss daily writer, any last thoughts you want to add,

Oh yeah, just this:

The internet is full of places where you can get what to write, just imagine you living in the 17th century trying to write an article, with a little cup of tea in front of you, you start rubbing your head for the tenth time hoping that this time might be different and still, you are not able to even write a sentence I wouldn't want to live in there, isn't it amazing that all you need today is just a bit of curiosity and perseverance.

And lastly, I hope this was helpful for you.

P.S: If this article made you think differently give it a clap and if you want to read more of what I write do visit my page.

