How To Achieve Your Goals in Life

3 min readApr 9, 2021

a simple guide………

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

1. Think about what goal you want to achieve:

It needs to be very specific. And you have to write it out, you need to set out what exactly you are trying to achieve and then make precise details about it, don’t just make vague assumptions in order to move forward you need to know where you are going, and in the meantime make sure you don’t set some unrealistic goals for yourself.

2. Determine your when?

Make it timely and set a deadline for it, this will help set expectations for yourself and avoid procrastination.


3. Get rid of distractions:

Remove any temptations and triggers, life is full of them make sure you block the noise of all the other stuff and listen to the main tune which means focusing on the things that add value and help you move forward.

4. Believe:

Believe in your ability to achieve this and in your ability to overcome all the things that might come in your way and get rid of the fear of failure and you can do that by making up the worst-case scenario, where you start asking yourself what you are actually afraid of and what is the worst thing that could happen if I do it and make plans for that worst-case scenario and by that, your brain feels prepared and thinks “oh now it is safe for me to leap and take this risk.”

Photo by Amelie & Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash

5. Break it into tiny pieces:

If it makes you feel overwhelmed, change the plan and break everything down, Not just in terms of time but action points too. if the goal was to exercise break it down to just grabbing your exercise shoes and going outside and with time keep adding them up, the point here is to start and move forward,

If you aim for drastic changes in a short period, you will most likely fail.

6. Visualize the end result:

Visualization helps you with directions and it motivates you but not only that with each new day ask yourself what can I do today so 3 years from now when I look back will make today feel special and satisfying.

“It’s funny how day by day, nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.”

7. Hold Yourself Accountable:

Nobody is gonna tell you to achieve your dreams or get you out of bed you have to do it yourself like if you planned to sleep early this week pink promise yourself you will do it and do it no matter what, else be responsible for the outcome and one thing I read once from a book is “ a month or a year from now you can either have a month/year of progress or a month of excuses why didn’t so choose wisely.”

“There are only two options regarding commitment; you’re either in or you’re out. There’s no such thing as life in-between.” — Pat Riley


There is no switch to success. You need to work for it. But then there is nothing sweeter than the hard-earned rewards Eventually, it is our tiny habits accumulated over time that brings us success.

P.s if this article added some value to your life give it a clap and if you want to see more check out my blog and it would mean the world to me if you follow my weekly articles.

